He maintains diverse and active research in the area of Sensors, Intelligent instrumentation, Non-destructive evaluation, Digital signal processing, and Microelectromechanical system (MEMS), which have been funded by the EPSRC, the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering and world-class industries. He is currently a chair professor in Sensor Technologies in the School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Newcastle University, UK and a guest professor in the University of Sichuan. He worked in University of Huddersfield for 7 years and was won DSc. After working in the University of Sichuan for 3 years as an associate professor, he then pursued his PhD degree in the UK from 1995 and was awarded his degree at the University of Derby in 1998. Gui Yun Tian (DSc, FIET) obtained his BSc in Metrology & Instrumentation and MSc in Precision Engineering at the University of Sichuan (Chengdu, PR China) in 19, respectively.

Computer modelling was carried out to determine the micromirror structure at low field actuation. Magnetically actuated micromirrors have been developed for high sensitivity magnetic field measurement.